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Reading Suffiency Act (RSA)

The Oklahoma Strong Readers Act aims to strengthen literacy among Oklahoma’s students by integrating reading proficiency into the criteria for grade progression, ensuring appropriate instructional support, and maintaining clear communication with families about student progress. It focuses on identifying reading challenges early and providing the necessary support to help children become confident readers for long-term success. Parents are a child’s first teachers, and building literacy starts in the home even before children enter public school.

Owasso Public Schools assesses and supports younger learners in the key areas of reading, including phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, reading fluency, and comprehension. By evaluating these specific skills, schools can identify students who may struggle with reading and provide targeted academic intervention. Our goal is to assist all students in becoming successful readers in elementary school and beyond.

Every student in kindergarten, first, second, and third grades shall be assessed at the beginning, middle, and end of each school year for the acquisition of reading skills for the grade level in which they enrolled with a screening assessment approved by the State Board of Education. 

We want parents to be familiar with the Strong Readers Act and the support available to them and their child during their early grades when reading development is critical to future academic success. 

Helpful OPS Information:  

Additional Resources from the Oklahoma State Department of Education: